Engine tagged posts

List: Cars whose engine and transmission are not bolted together

Nowadays, cars usually have their engine bolted to transmission together directly, because it is easy to implement and saves costs. For some sports cars which seek to have a better weight distribution, the engine and transmission are located in different section of the car body, therefore requires an extra solid torque tube to connect them. This is an exotic design, for example, the below image shows the LFA’s torque tube.


But please do not misunderstand that this is a requirement for a good sports car...

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BMW future engine development roadmap

From our BMW insider source:

The N55 inline-turbo-6 engine will be replaced by a totally new design N58 (some other sources claim BMW will change to use letter “B” as prefix of engine model, so N58 may be called B58) twin turbo six. Engine displacement is the same (3 liters), maximum design output will be in the range of 370-400hp, typical output will be around 330 – 360hp.

The twin turbo will be composed of one twin scroll turbo (act as the low pressure turbo), plus another single traditional turbo, arranged in a sequential order.

The N58/B58 engine will be in the market as soon as 2016, but it may be delayed until as late as 2018.

N63 V8 will get some small upgrades b...

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