2016 Volvo S60 tagged posts

2016 Volvo S60/V60 Will Receive 3-Cylinder Engine

If you are still thinking only using 4-cylinder engines across the 4500lb+ SUV product line is a very revolutionary behavior, you are apparently not on the same page as Volvo’s upper management.

In fact within Volvo, they are thinking 4-cylinder engines to be equivalent to V6/V8, and they have even planned to use 3-cylinder engines to replace 4-cylinder engines.

According to Volvo’s product plan, in 2016 they are going to use a 1.5L turbocharged 3-cylinder engine in the S60 and V60. However, the 3-cylinder engine will not be used in heavier models such as the XC90, due to its physical property limits its low-end torque delivery.

In the future years, Volvo cars will see tw...

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