BMW Will Work with Baidu on Self-Driving Car Technology

Recently BMW has signed a 3-year contract with Baidu, a Chinese technology company, to collaborate on the self-driving car development. For those who are not familiar with Baidu, here is something easy to understand: Baidu is the Chinese Google.

According to the contract, after the 3-year term, BMW will build a highly-automated self-driving car, which can run on China’s public road. The reason why BMW selected Baidu as collaboration partner, is because Baidu has the map data and all related information service which BMW currently does not have.  The BMW-Baidu project involves topics such as vehicle usage, driving strategy algorithm and high resolution 3D map, legislation and industry standards. Below is the BMW 3-Series Gran Turismo self-driving prototype.


At this moment, BMW’s self-driving car can achieve goals such as braking at the intersection, acceleration, passing and changing lanes. The BMW-Baidu project mainly focus on self-driving mode automatic engagement, which means when the driver want to let the car computer take over the control, the self-driving computer can detect human’s intention and take over the driving of the vehicle, using the preset route setting to drive the car; and also, if there is any emergency/unexpected situation happened, the computer is also able to parked into a safe location and notify the emergency center for help.

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