What is YouWheel.com?

Welcome to YouWheel.com

We want to give you the best news and reviews that the auto industry has to offer, plain and simple. That is why we stay up to date with our car news, reviews, trends, test drives, & technical talk. You won’t find reviews like ours on web, we invite you to check out and visit our Blog at www.blogs.youwheel.com.

YouWheel.com: Not Your Ordinary Car Blog

But, if you considered YouWheel.com to be a just Car Blog, or  Auto Industry Media, then you are partially correct.

We are creating a highly engaging community for you at the moment. It is going to be very unique and more importantly, FUN and Rewarding.  In the meantime,  you can create your FREE Membership profile, add YOUR Vehicle(s), review & share them with your fellow YouWheel Members. The BEST part about writing your car review on YouWheel.com is there are $25 Gift Cards awarded to our members for writing a review. Simple and Free. Please see our current promotion to get all of the details. You could also visit us on Facebook  Twitter  & Google+ to keep up to date with us.

Whether you are looking for the coolest car pics, Looking for the Best Reviews to better educate yourself on what Your next car purchase will be, or you are an expert and want to share your Gear Head expertise with the World, YouWheel.com is a great place to hang out and do so!  We will continually roll out NEW Features over the next few months that will enhance the car ownership for EVERYONE, period.

Stay tuned!

Meanwhile, please check out our new feature countdown page for more information.


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YouWheel.com is dedicated to bringing you the best automobile news, reviews, tips, test drives & technical talk, throughout the auto industry. Visit our Member Center & Blogs at  http://youwheel.com/welcome/ Sign up and become a Free YouWheel.com Member today! 


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