Written By Editor on 2014-12-19,
Posted in Car News |
This is something you won’t see very often: a totaled Porsche 918. One reason for that is because it is a limited edition super-car, which Porsche only builds 918 units.

On the early morning of Dec. 18, a Porsche 918 crashed into a tree in Shanghai, China. According to the car owner, he lent the 918 to a female friend, who mistakenly pressed the gas pedal while her intention was to step on the brake. This act sent the car, worth of RMB 13-million (around USD 2-million), into a tree on the side of the street, and damaged the front of the car, and the left front wheel even completely fell out.
The damage repair is estimated to be more than RMB 5-million (USD 800,000)...
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